Graffiti Tour

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Visit La Comuna 13
Tour Type: for accompanies
(included in price of registration)

Date: Tuesday Afternoon, June 30 2020
Where art works as a new way of life. Enjoy the great view it has to offer.

Includes: transport, food & drinks

Comuna 13 was once Colombia’s most notorious and dangerous neighborhood. It’s location near the highway made it a prime spot for guerrillas, narcos and anyone else looking to get things in and out of Medellin. And the area’s winding, hilly roads made it difficult for law enforcement to get in undetected. As recently as 2010, the area saw 162 murders for every 10,000 people and was the most violent neighborhood in Medellin.

San Javier


Now, like so many other parts of Medellin, this neighborhood has transformed itself through accessibility (the introduction of escalators to turn what was a 35-minute walk into a six-minute ride), street art and community solidarity. Tours of the powerful street art began in 2014 and are now a must do for any visit to Medellin.


The Comuna 13 graffiti tour was originally designed as a way for students of Stairway to English to practice their English, but it has now become its own entity. This tour goes beyond the street art to provide an immersive experience that helps you to get a real feel for the community in a short period of time. The group behind this are pretty amazing in providing assistance and support to this community, and they very much deserve your support.





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